Our Thoughts

In our blog you will find a variety of content from the team, from direction on investing, finance & insurance as well as a few fun articles.

Anzac Day

Anzac Day

This year Anzac Day will seem a little different for many of us. But this year it should mean perhaps more to us than any other year. We are suffering as a...

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Autumn in the garden.

Autumn in the garden.

With more time at home right now, it’s the perfect opportunity to spend some time in the garden. We’re heading towards Winter, but that’s no excuse to do less...

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The Problem with Underinsurance

The Problem with Underinsurance

Disaster strikes. The unthinkable happens and suddenly you need to fork out a lot of money to replace, rebuild or recover. It’s a good job your insurance...

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New Year, New Goals, New Budget

New Year, New Goals, New Budget

2020. A new year, a new decade, a new you. At least that is what we’ll all be aiming towards. Trying to meet those resolutions set to improve our lives and...

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Cheap eats around Auckland!

Cheap eats around Auckland!

Eating out in Auckland can often be expensive but it’s something we all like to do, especially when the sun is shining and we are struggling to get back into...

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Top 5 Water Parks in Auckland

Summer is finally here!  Make the most of the warm weather and grab the opportunity to encourage the kids to get outdoors, exercise and keep their eyes away...

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The To Do List

The To Do List

Discussions around the dinner table are sure to turn to New Year speculation, as we begin to consider 2020 and what lies ahead. Many of us will be trying not...

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Green Pickle

Believe it or not, some people hang a ‘green pickle’ ornament from their Christmas tree. The first person or child to find the ornament gets a present. Others...

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Christmas on the BBQ

Christmas on the BBQ

Christmas is just around the corner. Are you starting to think about what you’re cooking up on the big day? Here’s a few ideas to inspire you.  #1...

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