Taking a different approach to your New Year’s resolutions



This is a practical approach to making some resolutions for 2019. Go grab 6 sheets of A4 paper and a pencil.

Write one of the following in the centre of each sheet of paper:

  • Physical
  • Personal
  • Financial
  • Relationship
  • Spiritual
  • Career


#1 Physical

Think about some physical goals you might have because our health is really important. Perhaps its to complete a walk, a tramp, a bike ride or a marathon. No matter what it is – this is your goal. Simply write one goal on the page.


#2 Personal

Too many of us run around after everyone else and don’t take the time for ourselves. Think about what you want to achieve for you, and just you. Perhaps there’s a hobby you’ve been wanting to have a go at or perhaps you need to prioritise ‘reading’ in your life. Perhaps it’s a simple as agreeing to take take 10 minutes each day to sit and contemplate.


#3 Financial

This is where you consider that material thing you want – perhaps this is the year you buy that motorbike, or a boat? How are you going to afford it without a plan. Is your goal to save enough money for a Winter holiday? Then write down how you’re going to achieve that goal. Or maybe you just want to pay off your credit cards or reduce your mortgage? These are all achievable goals, but you need to start planning now.


#4 Relationship

If you have a significant other, then now is the time to focus on the ‘we’. What would you like to achieve this year for the both of you. More time together? The promise of a regular date night or even a little more hand-holding?


#5 Spiritual

This doesn’t have to be about religion if that’s not your thing, but it is about finding some inner peace and mentally placing yourself in a good space. Perhaps it’s as simple as promising to live more in the moment or to do something good for someone else each week?


#6 Career

Most of us have to work, but that doesn’t mean we simply turn up, work and go home. Work takes up a considerable portion of our lives. Consider what you want to get out of it. Do you have promotion aspirations or a pay rise in mind?

So you should now have a goal written on each piece of paper. Now write under each goal three things that will likely stop you achieving this goal. For some it will simply be ‘time’ that gets in the way, and so for each roadblock write down how you will overcome it. An easy example is physical exercise – if the roadblock is time, then the solution might be to put exercise time in your diary or create a reward system for each month you complete your exercise goals if motivation is a roadblock!

Now you have some new year’s resolutions that recognise what’s going to stop them and you’ve come up with a way to overcome the roadblocks and achieve your goals. Finally you have created a set of new year’s resolutions that might actually work!

Now go grab a beer or wine. Move your right hand up and across to you left shoulder. Yep – give yourself a pat on the back – job done.

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