5 tips to get you moving in 2019

Whether you want to be more active, lose weight or just feel better about yourself, here are 5 top tips to help get you moving in the new year.


Tip 1: Set yourself small achievable goals

There is no point in setting yourself up for failure, so if you are keen to be more active this year then make sure you set yourself some achievable goals that fit in with your lifestyle and your ability. There is nothing wrong with baby steps as long as you accomplish them then you are more likely to continue. For example if you want to run a half marathon then plan a 20 week schedule that slowly builds distance and stamina – or better still start with 5km, then 10km and then a half!


Tip 2: Kit yourself out with something new

I know it sounds silly but buying yourself a new pair of shorts or a gym t-shirt can be just the motivation you need to get yourself out the door and into the gym. Not only do the new sports clothes fit you they also have just cost you a small fortune so you know that you need to try them out and get your money’s worth! When you feel the part, you often act the part! Go treat yourself!


Tip 3: Choose your activity carefully

Becoming more active does not always have to be about working up a sweat. Think about why you want to be more active and then choose. For instance if you want to become more flexible then maybe yoga is for you, if you want to lose weight then maybe power walking or swimming each morning is better. And if you want to achieve a goal like finishing a marathon then running and strength training are going to be the best options. Whatever you decide be proud of the fact that you have got this far.


Tip 4: Create a playlist and use it

Music gets you moving just by the simple beat of the song. So make sure whatever activity you are doing that you create a playlist that will help you keep active all year round. If you are looking for motivation and an uplifting mix then look for songs that are over 120 beats per minute. If you are looking for music to relax the mind then think about songs that have few or no lyrics. Remember pulling together a playlist should be fun so give yourself some time to do this.


Tip 5: Give yourself time

Without stating the obvious if you do not give yourself time to be active then it may not happen. We all lead busy lives and it’s often hard to fit an extra activity into your schedule. But if you are serious about being more active this year then you need to put some time aside. Block out times in your diary, meet a friend so you have to get out of bed in the morning, or join a team sport where the pressure is on to not let your team-mates down. Do whatever it takes but give yourself time and you will thank yourself for it in the long run.


Being active not only promotes a healthier lifestyle but it also makes us more productive in the long run. Take the plunge and start 2019 off well.


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