Fitness for Seniors

You are never too old to make changes to your health. This is a motto that we should all remember especially as we head into our more senior years. How many times have you heard someone say “I can’t do that, I’m too old!”. We believe that you’re never too old and the more active you keep yourself the better.


But being active is not all about physical exercise it’s also about keeping the brain active and keeping the mind busy. A great example of this is ballroom dancing or Tai Chi. These activities involve both the brain and the body, using both to learn, practice and remember the activity.


It’s too easy to dismiss exercise, as being something you’ll do tomorrow or when you have time,  but as we age it’s even more important to find an activity that you enjoy and that you can possibly share. There are heaps of low impact activities that are recommended for seniors such as swimming, biking, bowls and walking but whatever you choose make sure you enjoy it. Remember: There’s even e-bikes these days that help on the hills!



Exercise needs to become a habit and something that you want to do as opposed to something you feel you should do. Take dancing for example, which quickly becomes more of a social event than a form of physical and mental exercise.


Of course there might be certain aspects of your body that you feel are not quite as strong as they were. If this is the case then there are lots of fitness classes for seniors popping up all over the place. Some are at local gyms and some are held within local retirement villages. These classes build your strength and balance by focusing on lower body and core strength then helps to improve your overall movement confidence.


No matter which form of fitness you opt for just remember that anything is better than nothing. And if you are not able to be physically fit then make sure you exercise your brain at least once a day with a crossword or some sudoku!

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