Our Thoughts

In our blog you will find a variety of content from the team, from direction on investing, finance & insurance as well as a few fun articles.

Life Insurance

Life Insurance

You have a mortgage, a family and you have heard about life insurance but do you really need it?  How do you know how much life insurance you should really...

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Retirement Planning

Statistically we’re living much longer these days. So we all need to plan for our future and make sure we have enough money coming in to enjoy our life once...

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Sorted in Schools

Sorted in Schools

Equipping all young New Zealanders for their financial futures. Earlier this year the first government-funded financial capability programme was launched...

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Mid-winter team building

Mid-winter team building

Come on guys, don't let the winter blues get the better of you. Here are some cool ideas for activities in Auckland - great for corporate team building but...

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Tradies Insurance

Tradies Insurance

So you’re working for yourself and living the dream. Well, perhaps not in the depths of winter but come the summer, life is good! But what about when things...

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Personal Risk Insurance

Personal Risk Insurance

Broadly speaking, insurance is a thing providing protection against a possible eventuality. If a risk exists then you can take out insurance to mitigate that...

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Gardening Tips for April and May

Gardening Tips for April and May

I think every month in the garden is busy but as Summer starts to slip away it’s essential that we prepare our gardens for Winter and get the most out of our...

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Getting back on track

Getting back on track

It’s hard to believe that the first quarter of the year is nearly over and many of us are still feeling the cost of Christmas debt. Add into this the school...

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Why do we need insurance?

Why do we need insurance?

Insurance comes in many forms but the biggest reality is that most people people begrudge paying their premiums.   For some it’s an annoying necessity, for...

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